Since team-create falls into beta functionality, only users who are subscribed to Exclusive membership can host and invite.

In this tutorial we will learn how to use team-create with cuberns workshop. Before we start: team-create has some limitations. Team-create can support maximum 5 user editing 1 game at a time. If one user has selected an object: others cannot interact with the object till the user who selected it deselects or leaves the workshop. Moreover, if any user is editing any script: the script cannot be viewed by other users and cannot be deleted till other user doesnt exit the script. However, to combact this issue the game creator can enforcely make a user exit the scripting editor. The changes made by the user will be saved! Now, let us dive into how we would be joining, leaving, playtesting and pushing updates.

How do I join or invite others to join my team-create sessions?

First head to the games page and go to edit it on website. Then add collaborators which will be the username of your friend/fellow developer. Once done: you or your friend can go to the games page and click on “Open in workshop”. Now others can also join the session by going to the same games page and clicking on “Open in workshop”. Now the users can edit the game in team-create.

What about publishing the game?

The creator of the game can give permissions to collaborators. By default the collaborators can only push the game changes to the secondary slot. The game creator can give permission to collaborators to push the game changes to the main slot.

Someone is destroying my game!!

You should not invite collaborators who you dont trust. If the user was given ability to push into the main slot then not much could be done. You can report the user to our staff. And we will act accordingly and permanently ban the account/user.

How do I playtest?

To playtest you just have to establish team-create playtest. Then a server would be made where your client will join. Then your friend needs to press the team-create playtest button and they will be added to your server where you both can test the client.