Getting Started

To get started. For this tutorial we need a glb mesh which has the character. You can convert from .obj -> .glb with blender or export your model from blender as .glb. We then make use of workshops mesh importer plugin and then move the imported MeshPart to ClientStorage.

Telling cubern about the character

For us to tell cubern about our custom character controller we will create a new local script (or you can make use of a existing local script). Lets go onto this step by step. First let us access the character:

local ClientStorage = Game:GetService("ClientStorage")
local CustomCharacter = ClientStorage["CustomCharacter"] -- whatever you have named your character

After we have declared our custom character as a variable we can go and register this character to tell cubern to use custom character instead of cuberns classic character.

local ClientStorage = Game:GetService("ClientStorage")
local CustomCharacter = ClientStorage["CustomCharacter"] -- whatever you have named your character

The SetDefaultCharacter function will only take a MeshPart class. If you have made a character inside cuberns workshop then you can export it as a .glb and import it. And now we have successfully registered our default character! Keep in mind that the user will not spawn until the mesh does not get cached onto their client.

Talking about Animations

Cuberns workshop currently does not offer a built-in animation editor. So, you can make use of 3D software like blender and make some animations. Once you have made animations make sure you export them with your .glb file! By default cubern will try to access animations named: Walk, Jump and Idle. However if your models animations are named differently. You can:

local Players = Game:GetService("Players")
Players:SetDefaultCharacterAnimations("Walk1", "Jump1", "Idle45") 

and now cubern will try to access MeshParts Walk1 animation and use that instead of Walk.

What if my MeshPart doesnt have any animation?

If your MeshPart or custom character does not have animations then no animations will be used.