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ChatBubbleColor: Color

Specifies the chat bubble color.

ChatBubbleEnabled: bool

Specifies if the chat bubble is enabled or not.


Push(string message)

This function will write a message into chat box and it will be shown to all of the clients. This function is only available on server sided scripts. Example:

local ChatService = Game:GetService("ChatService")
ChatService.Push("Hi! to all clients from server.")

PushToLocalClient(string message)

This function can only be called by client sided scripts. The message will only be shown to the local player. Example:

local ChatService = Game:GetService("ChatService")
ChatService.PushToLocalClient("Tip: Press spacebar to jump!")



This signal is called when the server or the client recieves a newer message. An example:

local ChatService = Game:GetService("ChatService")
ChatService.Connect("OnMessage", __SCRIPT__, "FunctionToCall")

function FunctionToCall(content) 
    printl("Got a newer message: " .. content)