is used to determine which key is pressed based off it’s key code
KeyList is used to determine which key is pressed. Here is a comprehensive list of keyboard keys and their descriptions:
None (Undefined): 0
Enum value which doesn’t correspond to any key. Used to initialize Key properties with a generic state. -
Special (Non-printable): 4194304
Keycodes with this bit applied are non-printable. -
Escape: 4194305
Escape key. -
Tab: 4194306
Tab key. -
BackTab (Shift + Tab): 4194307
Shift + Tab key. -
Backspace: 4194308
Backspace key. -
Enter (Return): 4194309
Return key (on the main keyboard). -
KeyPadEnter (Enter on NumPad): 4194310
Enter key on the numeric keypad. -
Insert: 4194311
Insert key. -
Delete: 4194312
Delete key. -
Pause: 4194313
Pause key. -
Print (Print Screen): 4194314
Print Screen key. -
Home: 4194317
Home key. -
End: 4194318
End key. -
LeftArrow (Left Arrow): 4194319
Left arrow key. -
UpArrow (Up Arrow): 4194320
Up arrow key. -
RightArrow (Right Arrow): 4194321
Right arrow key. -
DownArrow (Down Arrow): 4194322
Down arrow key. -
PageUp (Page Up): 4194323
Page Up key. -
PageDown (Page Down): 4194324
Page Down key. -
Shift: 4194325
Shift key. -
Ctrl (Control): 4194326
Control key. -
Meta (Meta): 4194327
Meta key. -
Alt: 4194328
Alt key. -
CapsLock: 4194329
Caps Lock key. -
NumLock (Num Lock): 4194330
Num Lock key. -
ScrollLock (Scroll Lock): 4194331
Scroll Lock key. -
F1: 4194332
F1 key. -
F2: 4194333
F2 key. -
F3: 4194334
F3 key. -
F4: 4194335
F4 key. -
F5: 4194336
F5 key. -
F6: 4194337
F6 key. -
F7: 4194338
F7 key. -
F8: 4194339
F8 key. -
F9: 4194340
F9 key. -
F10: 4194341
F10 key. -
F11: 4194342
F11 key. -
F12: 4194343
F12 key. -
F13: 4194344
F13 key. -
F14: 4194345
F14 key. -
F15: 4194346
F15 key. -
F16: 4194347
F16 key. -
F17: 4194348
F17 key. -
F18: 4194349
F18 key. -
F19: 4194350
F19 key. -
F20: 4194351
F20 key. -
F21: 4194352
F21 key. -
F22: 4194353
F22 key. -
F23: 4194354
F23 key. -
F24: 4194355
F24 key. -
F25: 4194356
F25 key. Only supported on macOS and Linux due to a Windows limitation. -
F26: 4194357
F26 key. Only supported on macOS and Linux due to a Windows limitation. -
F27: 4194358
F27 key. Only supported on macOS and Linux due to a Windows limitation. -
F28: 4194359
F28 key. Only supported on macOS and Linux due to a Windows limitation. -
F29: 4194360
F29 key. Only supported on macOS and Linux due to a Windows limitation. -
F30: 4194361
F30 key. Only supported on macOS and Linux due to a Windows limitation. -
F31: 4194362
F31 key. Only supported on macOS and Linux due to a Windows limitation. -
F32: 4194363
F32 key. Only supported on macOS and Linux due to a Windows limitation. -
F33: 4194364
F33 key. Only supported on macOS and Linux due to a Windows limitation. -
F34: 4194365
F34 key. Only supported on macOS and Linux due to a Windows limitation. -
F35: 4194366
F35 key. Only supported on macOS and Linux due to a Windows limitation. -
KeyPadMultiply (NumPad *): 4194433
Multiply (*) key on the numeric keypad. -
KeyPadDivide (NumPad /): 4194434
Divide (/) key on the numeric keypad. -
KeyPadSubtract (NumPad -): 4194435
Subtract (-) key on the numeric keypad. -
KeyPadPeriod (NumPad .): 4194436
Period (.) key on the numeric keypad. -
KeyPadAdd (NumPad +): 4194437
Add (+) key on the numeric keypad. -
KeyPadZero (NumPad 0): 4194438
Number 0 on the numeric keypad. -
KeyPadOne (NumPad 1): 4194439
Number 1 on the numeric keypad. -
KeyPadTwo (NumPad 2): 4194440
Number 2 on the numeric keypad. -
KeyPadThree (NumPad 3): 4194441
Number 3 on the numeric keypad. -
KeyPadFour (NumPad 4): 4194442
Number 4 on the numeric keypad. -
KeyPadFive (NumPad 5): 4194443
Number 5 on the numeric keypad. -
KeyPadSix (NumPad 6): 4194444
Number 6 on the numeric keypad. -
KeyPadSeven (NumPad 7): 4194445
Number 7 on the numeric keypad. -
KeyPadEight (NumPad 8): 4194446
Number 8 on the numeric keypad. -
KeyPadNine (NumPad 9): 4194447
Number 9 on the numeric keypad. -
KeyPadMenu (Context menu): 4194370
Context menu key. -
Hyper (Hyper key): 4194371
Hyper key (On Linux/X11 only). -
Help (Help): 4194373
Help key. -
Back (Media back): 4194376
Media back key. -
Forward (Media forward): 4194377
Media forward key. -
Stop (Media stop): 4194378
Media stop key. -
Refresh (Media refresh): 4194379
Media refresh key. -
VolumeDown (Volume down): 4194380
Volume down key. -
VolumeMute (Mute volume): 4194381
Mute volume key. -
VolumeUp (Volume up): 4194382
Volume up key. -
MediaPlay (Media play): 4194388
Media play key. -
MediaStop (Media stop): 4194389
Media stop key. -
MediaPrevious (Previous song): 4194390
Previous song key. -
MediaNext (Next song): 4194391
Next song key. -
MediaRecord (Media record): 4194392
Media record key. -
HomePage (Home page): 4194393
Home page key. -
Favorites (Favorites): 4194394
Favorites key. -
Search (Search): 4194395
Search key. -
Standby (Standby): 4194396
Standby key. -
OpenURL (Open URL / Launch Browser): 4194397
Open URL / Launch Browser key. -
LaunchMail (Launch Mail): 4194398
Launch Mail key. -
LaunchMedia (Launch Media): 4194399
Launch Media key. -
Launch0 (Launch Shortcut 0): 4194400
Launch Shortcut 0 key. -
Launch1 (Launch Shortcut 1): 4194401
Launch Shortcut 1 key. -
Launch2 (Launch Shortcut 2): 4194402
Launch Shortcut 2 key. -
Launch3 (Launch Shortcut 3): 4194403
Launch Shortcut 3 key. -
Launch4 (Launch Shortcut 4): 4194404
Launch Shortcut 4 key. -
Launch5 (Launch Shortcut 5): 4194405
Launch Shortcut 5 key. -
Launch6 (Launch Shortcut 6): 4194406
Launch Shortcut 6 key. -
Launch7 (Launch Shortcut 7): 4194407
Launch Shortcut 7 key. -
Launch8 (Launch Shortcut 8): 4194408
Launch Shortcut 8 key. -
Launch9 (Launch Shortcut 9): 4194409
Launch Shortcut 9 key. -
LaunchA (Launch Shortcut A): 4194410
Launch Shortcut A key. -
LaunchB (Launch Shortcut B): 4194411
Launch Shortcut B key. -
LaunchC (Launch Shortcut C): 4194412
Launch Shortcut C key. -
LaunchD (Launch Shortcut D): 4194413
Launch Shortcut D key. -
LaunchE (Launch Shortcut E): 4194414
Launch Shortcut E key. -
LaunchF (Launch Shortcut F): 4194415
Launch Shortcut F key. -
Globe (Globe): 4194416
”Globe” key on Mac / iPad keyboard. -
Keyboard (On-screen keyboard): 4194417
”On-screen keyboard” key on iPad keyboard. -
JISEisu (英数): 4194418
英数 key on Mac keyboard. -
JISKana (かな): 4194419
かな key on Mac keyboard. -
Unknown (Unknown): 8388607
Unknown key. -
Space (Space): 32
Space key. -
Exclam (!): 33
! key. -
QuoteDbl ("): 34
” key. -
NumberSign (#): 35
”#” key. -
Dollar ($): 36
$ key. -
Percent (%): 37
% key. -
Ampersand (&): 38
& key. -
Apostrophe ('): 39
’ key. -
ParenLeft "(": 40
( key. -
ParenRight ")": 41
) key. -
Asterisk (*): 42
”*” key. -
Plus (+): 43
”+” key. -
Comma (,): 44
, key. -
Minus (-): 45
”-” key. -
Period (.): 46
. key. -
Slash (/): 47
/ key. -
0 (0): 48
Number 0 key. -
1 (1): 49
Number 1 key. -
2 (2): 50
Number 2 key. -
3 (3): 51
Number 3 key. -
4 (4): 52
Number 4 key. -
5 (5): 53
Number 5 key. -
6 (6): 54
Number 6 key. -
7 (7): 55
Number 7 key. -
8 (8): 56
Number 8 key. -
9 (9): 57
Number 9 key. -
Colon (:): 58
: key. -
Semicolon (;): 59
; key. -
Less (<): 60
< key. -
Equal (=): 61
= key. -
Greater (>): 62
”>” key. -
Question (?): 63
? key. -
At (@): 64
@ key. -
A (A): 65
A key. -
B (B): 66
B key. -
C (C): 67
C key. -
D (D): 68
D key. -
E (E): 69
E key. -
F (F): 70
F key. -
G (G): 71
G key. -
H (H): 72
H key. -
I (I): 73
I key. -
J (J): 74
J key. -
K (K): 75
K key. -
L (L): 76
L key. -
M (M): 77
M key. -
N (N): 78
N key. -
O (O): 79
O key. -
P (P): 80
P key. -
Q (Q): 81
Q key. -
R (R): 82
R key. -
S (S): 83
S key. -
T (T): 84
T key. -
U (U): 85
U key. -
V (V): 86
V key. -
W (W): 87
W key. -
X (X): 88
X key. -
Y (Y): 89
Y key. -
Z (Z): 90
Z key. -
BracketLeft ([): 91
[ key. -
Backslash (\): 92
\ key. -
BracketRight (]): 93
] key. -
AsciiCircum (^): 94
^ key. -
Underscore (_): 95
_ key. -
BraceLeft "{": 123
key. -
Bar "|": 124
| key. -
BraceRight "}": 125
key. -
AsciiTilde (~): 126
~ key.