With using static-typing, clua can detect more errors and too in-depth without the need to running the code.

Overall, typed programming gives you a more structured experience. It helps prevent errors and improves the self-documenting aspect of your scripts. This is especially helpful when you’re working in a team or on a long-term project: studies have shown that developers spend most of their time reading other people’s code, or scripts they wrote in the past and forgot about. The clearer and the more structured the code, the faster it is to understand, the faster you can move forward.

Using static-typing in clua

To define the type of a variable, parameter, or constant, write a colon after the name, followed by its type. For example, local Health: int = 100. This forces the variable to hold the value of same type only:

local Health: int = 100

Health = "String"

This will error: “Expected int got string” and the script execution will stop.

We can also use cuberns native objects like Part as demonstrated below:

local Cube: Part = Map.Cube

Functions also do support static-typing with their parameters. An example shows:

function StaticTypedFunction(whatToPrint: string)
    return whatToPrint;

printl(StaticTypedFunction("Hello, World!"))

Clua now also supports Table for example:

function StaticTypedFunction(myTable : Table) -> Table 
    return myTable

Specify the return type of a function with the arrow ->

To define the return type of a function, write a dash and a right angle bracket -> after its declaration, followed by the return type:

function getCube() -> Part
    return Map.Cube


Making variables or function parameters nill-able

By default if we make use of:

local myvariable: string = "haha!"

we cannot assign it nil and it will cause a script-runtime error exception stopping the execution of the clua script. However, if we add the ? (question-mark) right next to the data-type: this will tell the interpreter to accept a nil-value as well. For example:

local myvariable : string? = nil -- this will not error!
myvariable = "haha!" -- this will not error!
myvariable = 22 -- this will error!

We can also apply these to function parameters or function return type. For example:

function GetMyCube(cubeName: string?) -> Part?
    return Map:FindChild(cubeName) 

Specify the element type of an Table

Currently clua does not support specifying type for a table. However, it is planned:

local MyTable: [int] = { 2, 3, 4 }

The main question: Typed or dynamic?

Typed clua and dynamic clua all can co-exist in a same project/game. However, it is recommended to stick with a single style so it looks better and is very easier to read. Typed code requires a little bit of more writing which can be tiring. Tho we recommend writing dynamic clua since typed clua is still in early stages of development.